¡Los mejores juguetes para niñas de 2 años en 2022! [25 favoritos]

Con tantos juguetes en el mercado, puede ser difícil encontrar los mejores juguetes para su hijo. Esta lista ha sido compilada para mostrar los mejores juguetes para niñas de dos años.

Todos estos juguetes tienen una combinación de características que promueven el juego creativo, las habilidades motoras, la imaginación y el aprendizaje. Algunos juguetes son más educativos, mientras que otros son más para el juego de roles y la creatividad, ¡pero no puedes equivocarte eligiendo un juguete de esta lista! Siga leyendo para descubrir algunos de los mejores juguetes para niñas de 2 años.

6 mejores juguetes para niñas de 2 años

Mejor aprender a contar ToLyapfrog Scoop & Learn Ice Cream Cart
El mejor arte de dibujo de arte de no admite
Mejor suscripción de lectura Box Book Box Box para niños
Mejor juguete de baño interactivo Toyoctopus Bath
Los mejores autos de parachoques de juguetes únicos
La mejor bicicleta de balance de juguetes al aire libre

¡Mira otros juguetes excelentes para niñas de 2 años a continuación!

Los mejores juguetes de aprendizaje para niños de 2 años

Leapfrog Scoop & Learn Ice Cream Cart

Este adorable carrito de helados es muy divertido y tu dulce niña pasará horas jugando con este juego de helados. A nuestras chicas les encantaba servir helado y entregarnos nuestro regalo favorito. Con la primicia de salto y el aprendizaje, el Magic Scooper recoge el helado y los ingredientes para crear combinaciones de aspecto sabroso mientras presenta a su hijo los colores y los sabores.

El juguete les ayudará a practicar contar hasta diez, enseñarles sobre sabores y también tener música divertida que disfrutarán.

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Libro de sonido ABC

¡Este juguete educativo hace que el aprendizaje sea divertido para niños de dos años! Con más de 100 canciones y sonidos, este libro electrónico nutrirá un amor temprano por la lectura. El libro de sonido ABC se puede usar para aprender letras, identificación de palabras y ortografía, todo en un juguete de aprendizaje colorido fácil de usar.

Además, este libro de sonido incluso incluye los nombres de animales, formas, alimentos y vehículos para expandir el conocimiento de su pequeño sobre el mundo que los rodea. Muchos niños comienzan a leer en edades de tres y cuatro años, así que ¿por qué no ayudar a su hijo de dos años a tener una ventaja con el libro de sonido ABC?

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Alfombra de dibujo de Aqua

Hay muchas esteras de agua, pero este es nuestro favorito. Con plantillas para hacer formas y letras divertidas, esta alfombra de Aqua no solo es divertida sino excelente para el desarrollo infantil.

El tapete es de 36 ″ x 36 ″, por lo que es de buen tamaño, pero tampoco es tan grande que se apodere de la mayor parte de la habitación. No hay absolutamente ningún químico, solo se necesita agua para dibujar. Definitivamente es uno de mis juguetes favoritos para las chicas de 2 años.

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Kits de Laving Every Play

¡Todos los kits de juego son increíbles! Todos los juguetes en estos kits han sido diseñados por expertos para ayudar en el desarrollo de su niño.

¡Recomiendo registrarse para una suscripción de un año para que su pequeño siempre tenga nuevos juguetes para jugar! No hay obligación, si no funciona, puede cancelar en cualquier momento.

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Vtech Care for Me Learning Carrier

Fingend Play es excelente para la imaginación de tus hijos y fomentar la creatividad también. Vtech Care for Me Carrier viene con un perro lujoso y todos los artículos necesarios para cuidarlo bien. ¡Viene con un portador interactivo que permite que los niños lo lleven a cualquier parte! Hay botones de iluminación que introducen colores, formas, números y más. Los accesorios para el cuidado de mascotas incluyen un tazón, pelota, peine y botella para alentar el juego de roles; ¡Las características del transportista se manejan para ir-fun!

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Fisher-Price Linkimals Smooth Moves Sloth

Fisher-Price Linkimals Smooth Moves Sloth es el juguete educativo interactivo perfecto para mantener la atención de su hijo. Aplaude y saca la cabeza a la música, las luces y las canciones. Presione los botones en sus pies para obtener canciones y frases sobre el alfabeto, los números, los opuestos y los colores.

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Amazon Prime Box Book Box para niños

Amazon recientemente ha salido con un gran regalo para padres, abuelos, tías y tíos para dar al pequeño en su vida. Amazon Prime Book Box para Kids es un servicio de suscripción que elige hasta 3 libros para que lea su pequeño.

Todos están organizados en función de la edad de su hijo y puede elegir con qué frecuencia desea distribuir la caja, una vez al mes o 2 meses o incluso 3 meses. Si hay un libro que no le gusta o ya tiene, puede elegir que se envíe otro libro. Sí, esto podría no ser un juguete, pero es un gran regalo para los niños.

Los precios son de aproximadamente $ 19.99 por caja

Los mejores juguetes para chispear la imaginación

Tienda de princesa Playhouse

Uno de los mejores juguetes para niñas de dos años es una divertida tienda de campaña. De pie a 55 ”de altura con una puerta de cortina y un elegante techo de pomco, esta adorable carpa emergente es apta para una princesa. Cuenta con dos ventanas de malla transpirable y está hecha de 100% de algodón.

Se puede usar en interiores o exteriores y es muy fácil de montar. ¡Traiga uno (o algunos!) A una fiesta o pijamada para hacer recuerdos inolvidables del tiempo de juego de la princesa! Dale a tu hija un juguete apto para la realeza con esta carpa de princesa Playhouse.

Checok current prices here!

Melissa & Doug sweet baby Doll

One of the best gifts for a two year old girl is pretty much any baby doll. It’s a great gift to give your little one if another baby is on the way. The Melissa and Doug one pictured here is the ideal size for toddlers.

Check prices Here!

Mega Bloks big building Bag

Who says building toys are just for boys? These Mega Bloks are equally enjoyable for two-year-old girls and boys! The Mega Bloks big building Bag comes with enough blocks to keep several tykes occupied, and the big blocks are easy for tiny hands to manipulate! allow your daughter to improve motor skills and use her imagination with this assortment of 80 colorful blocks. comes with a portable storage tub that is easy to transport for playdates!

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Princess Castle Stuffed Playset by baby GUND

Bring princess playtime to the next level with this lovable Princess Castle plush playset. A perfect accompaniment to the Princess Playhouse tent, this princess-themed plush set comes with a stuffed princess doll, plush magic mirror, a magic wand, and a plush unicorn, complete with a pink glitter castle carrying case! This set is perfect for two year olds due to the sensory enrichment- soft plush toys with sparkly accents and crinkle fabric inside!

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Best Bathtime gifts for 2 Year Old Girls

Nightly baths are a part of raising a two year old, so I am always on the lookout for a fun bath time routine. here are some of the more fun bathtime toys we love for our little girls.

Octopus Interactive bath toy – best bath Time toy for 2-year-old Girls

Think ring toss in a bath and you’ve got the Nuby Floating Purple Octopus Interactive bath Toy. This might be the best toy we have tried in 2022 as it makes bath time so much more fun with your sweet 2 year old.

The octopus is BPA-free for those kiddos who love to put everything in their mouth. My favorite part is the toy is under $10, so it is super fun and super affordable.

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Frozen bath Set

Frozen will be one of those movies that will last a generation, and this simple bath set is a great addition to make bathtime fun. This set includes: includes bucket with a straining lid and: Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Sven, and Kristoff.

Our little girls love playing with the characters and the bucket throughout their nightly bath routine.

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Rainbow bath Bomb

Sometimes the most fun to be had in the bath is created by the bath bomb. These rainbow bath bombs create fun rainbows inside your bath. It’s a fun way to teach your little ones about the colors of the rainbow.

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Most unique toys for 2 Year Old Girls

Kids Bumper cars (Yes, Bumper Cars)

As a mom of 5, I can’t believe I am saying this but I actually recommend this toy, in fact it is one of the most used toys in the household. first off, I was very skeptical of such a device roaming through my house let alone putting my child in it.

There are honestly endless laughs with these bumper cars. They have a rubber outside, so they don’t scuff up any walls and a seatbelt so that your child is safely inside the vehicle. There is even a remote control, so if your child can’t grasp the controls, which they will in no time, you can be the driver and just wheel them around.

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Starry Light Projector

Well, it’s been a fun day of play, but now it’s time for bed. Your child will have sweet dreams with this Starry night Light projector. This circular light projector features two different theme projections: ocean life or starry night. ocean life features jellyfish, whales, seaweed, and bubbles while starry night has small and large stars with a crescent moon. The projector has four colors which can be set to alternate or set to one specific color. This night light creates a relaxing atmosphere to help your toddler calm down and get ready for a good night’s sleep.

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Great outdoor gifts for 2 year old girls

Exploring the outside is important for any toddler’s development. toddlers love playing in the sand, snow, water, whatever it may be. If it’s outside toddlers seem to love it.

Balance Bike

Studies show that balance bikes are the best way to teach your child to learn to ride a bike. It looks like a normal bike minus the pedals because it’s made for your toddler to walk along with.

Don’t forget a helmet though! because they then begin scooting and eventually are ready to ride.

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Counting Ladybugs

Catching ladybugs is a fun and educational game you can play inside or outside. Our little ones loved taking it in the backyard and hiding the ladybugs. Each bug has a number on the back to help the kids learn their numbers.

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Kids Foam Bowling Set

Bring the excitement of the bowling alley home for your toddler with the Foam Bowling Set! No slippery lanes or community shoes here- this colorful foam set is safe and portable and great for developing theircoordinación mano-ojo

This set includes ten 7” tall bowling pins and two 3” bowling balls to make taking turns easier! This bowling set will help teach numbers while building coordination and motor skills. comes with a zippered carry bag, making this bowling set a great addition for parties or playdates.

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Electronic gifts for 2 Year Old girls We Love!

Busy Learners activity Cube by VTech

You’ve never seen an activity cube quite like this before! Unlike the traditional color and shape cubes that have a few shapes with matching slots to push them through, this activity cube is the whole package! This toy has enough interactive features to keep even the fussiest two years old busy!

This activity cube has five sides with music, lights, colors, and much more! sliding and spinning blocks encourage fine motor skills while musical talking buttons teach shapes, numbers, and animal names. It even comes with 25 songs for baby to jam out to! This cube features plenty of activities to help your baby get jazzed about learning!

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Princess musical jewelry Box

As adults looking back on our childhoods, many women will fondly remember playing with costume jewelry, a treasure that many little girls store in a special jewelry box!

The Lily & Ally Princess musical jewelry Box is sure to bring your daughter lasting memories. This dainty box features a mirror under the lid and has a tiny fairy princess who spins to the tune of Over the Rainbow. now all you need is some dress-up jewelry to give to your little princess!

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Baby’s learning laptop by VTech

Baby can do her important work right alongside you with Baby’s learning Laptop! instead of handing your child a phone or tablet, give them a toy that will enrich their “screen time”!

This toy laptop has a light-up screen and movable mouse just like mom or dad’s laptop, but this tech is a teaching tool. It features nine keyboard buttons to teach shapes, objects, emotions, and play many songs and sounds to keep your baby interested.

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Harry the Robo-Puppy

What better way to teach your two-year-old about having a pet than to get them one- minus the mess, of course! With this robotic puppy toy, your child can learn about the behaviors and responsibility of a dog that is all her own.

This 6” tall, 7” long Dalmatian walks, barks, and plays chase! This dog knows a few tricks- he can even sing and dance! This interactive pooch will bring tons of fun to your toddler’s playtime!

Check it out here!

Musical Rhymes book by VTech

Share the magic of classic nursery rhymes with your toddler using the musical Rhymes Book. This talking book has five piano keys that teach colors, instrument names and make other sounds. turning the pages, your toddler will discover 6 classic rhymes accompanied with bright, colorful pictures.

Prep your toddler for pre-school by introducing the concepts of reading and rhyming with the learning and music modes of this portable teaching toy!

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Sit-to-Stand Alphabet Train by VTech

This Alphabet train is like 10 toys in one! It can be used as a push toy to strengthen the muscles in young toddler’s legs; a baby walker for little ones to support themselves when taking first steps; and a toy wagon when the baby is walking on their own!

This train comes with many fun interactive components, including blocks, a book, gears, a clock, a walkie-talkie, a number pad, piano keys, and a musical component that can play over 100 songs and sounds! because of all of the options on this versatile toy, it grows with your child and can teach continue to teach them something new for months and months as they grow and develop.

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Wooden shape and color Puzzle by rolimate

Want to help your child improve their fine motor skills while learning shapes and colors? give this wooden shape puzzle by rolimate a try! With br

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